Third Best Practices in Data Analysis and Statistics Symposium

(Again, it is the third symposium, not the third-best solution.)

About the symposium

Venue University of Pécs, Institute of Psychology, Pécs, Ifjúság street, 6., Building A, Damján Vargha Conference room (Note that due to large number of participants, the room was changed!).

Date September 7-8, 2023


Aims While many new methods are developed these days that are applicable in behavioral sciences, many valuable older methods are not used because they are not accessible, because researchers do not know how to use them, or because researchers do not even know about them. The aim of the Best practices symposium is to popularize either new or old solutions, familiarize researchers with these methods, and make these methods more accessible. In addition, the symposium is an excellent opportunity to discuss and evaluate various methods to improve research practice.

Program, abstracts, and slides

Detailed program

Abstracts Find the detailed program, the abstracts, and the slides following these links.

Registration for participants

Registration fee There is no registration fee for the workshop.

Register Admission is free, but because of the limited seats, please, register for the event. After the limited places are filled, we will not be able to accept further registrations.

More information

Contact For more information, contact András Zsidó or Attila Krajcsi.

Social media Find some friends coming to the symposium at Facebook event.

Previous symposiums Check the details of the first and second symposiums.

Supporter The symposium is supported by the Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs.

Web hosting The symposium website is hosted by CogStat.

Call for abstracts

Submission is closed. Still, we have a few free spots, and if you have a topic to share with the participants, contact András Zsidó to discuss the possibilities.

Presentations Potential talks on the first day may include:

Small group hands-on tutorials On the second day, small group hands-on tutorials can also be given. Potential tutorials may be:

Submission Submit your abstract by filling out this form.

Deadline The deadline for abstract submission is July 23, 2023.